
SPORCO-CUDA is an extension package to the SPORCO package, providing GPU acceleration for selected algorithms. It is a component of SPORCO, and is subject to the same license, but is made available as an optional extension to avoid complicating the prerequisites and build/install procedure for the main part of SPORCO. If you use this software for published work, please cite it.


The recommended way of using SPORCO-CUDA is to install it as described in Installation, and then access it via the sporco.cuda interface sub-package provided within the main SPORCO package.

SPORCO-CUDA can also be used directly, via its own interface. A collection of scripts illustrating such usage can be found in the examples directory of the source distribution. These examples can be run from the root directory of the package by, for example

python examples/cmp_cbpdn.py

To run these scripts prior to installing the package, it is necessary to build it in place, which involves the following steps:

  • Install the required packages as described in Requirements.

  • If the CUDA compiler nvcc is not already in the executable search path, add it, e.g.

    export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/cuda-10.1/bin

    where /usr/local/cuda-10.1/bin is the path for nvcc, or set the CUDAHOME environment variable to the root of the CUDA installation, e.g.

    export CUDAHOME=/usr/local/cuda-10.1

    where /usr/local/cuda-10.1 is the root of the CUDA installation.

  • Build the sporco-cuda package in place:

    python setup.py build_ext --inplace
  • Set the PYTHONPATH environment variable to include the root directory of the package. For example, in a bash shell


    from the root directory of the package.

  • If the sporco package is not installed, create a symlink from the SPORCO-CUDA package root directory to the sporco directory in the SPORCO package.

If SPORCO-CUDA has been installed via pip, the examples can be found in the directory in which pip installs documentation, e.g. /usr/local/share/doc/sporco-cuda-x.y.z/examples/.


Please submit bug reports, comments, etc. to brendt@ieee.org. Bugs and feature requests can also be reported via the GitHub Issues interface.

BSD License

This library was developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory, and has been approved for public release under the approval number LA-CC-14-057. It is made available under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License; please see the LICENSE file for further details.